Wednesday, July 30, 2008
In the spring we got a new batch of baby chicks and in the group was a cute little black silky. After recently going to a Gladys Knight concert, I decided to name this baby chick after her. (I don't know if she would feel honored or not.) Gladys Knight is really quite an awesome lady. She is a wonderful missionary and I really look up to her a lot. The kids loved to hold the baby chick and she was sweet. Well, it got older and one day little Gladys began crowing. HHHHMMMMM Gladys seems to be, well, a boy. If you know anything about roosters, you will know that they are BRATS. Gladys ( now Gladiator) has started being mean to the kids and is now on my hit list. One more incident and he is up for FREE on Craig's list!