Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2010- Fifth Annual Live Nativity

 We once again put on the Barron Family Live Nativity.  It was once again a lot of work but once again, worth it. =)  The spirit was there and the people came.  We had 350 people come through the tours.  We had thousands (it seems) of cookies donated and I supplied the hot chocolate.  The weather was wonderful and calm.  All day the winds blew and the birds were very loud in our yard.  I prayed many times that the wind would be gone and it would be silent and peaceful in our yard.  As the Nativity started, that is just what happened.  It was perfectly still and calm.  I prayed a lot with gratitude while it was going on.  It was a magical night and all was well.

 This couple waited 10 years to be parents.  They were able to adopt this gorgeous baby boy a few months ago. There love for him shown through and brought such a sweet spirit to the nativity.  He was absolutely perfect the entire night.  It was wonderful.
 Mary and the Babe.
The angel appearing to the shepherds.
 This is Piper's second year to be a shepherd.  Quincey has done it all five years.  They did great.  Boston  does not think that he can last the full two hours yet.  Maybe next year.  He just goes through the nativity multiple times and eats many many cookies.
Our three wise men.
 The Roman Solder.
This year we made a movie of the night and did a scene with Quincey as Mary and Daddy as Joseph walking to Bethlehem.  This is my "artsy" picture of that scene. =)