Friday night the football players put on a special meeting or fireside as we call them. It was a spiritual meeting. All of the team was there. We were able to get 4 tickets to it and brought Boston and his football buddy Ryan. It was held at the Carrolton stake center. They gave talks about being a disciple of Christ, they sang songs and bore testimony of Jesus Christ. It was so neat. The coach also spoke along with his wife. After the meeting Boston and Ryan were able to meet Max Hall, the quarter back and other players. It was really cool for these little boys. Here they are with two of the players and Daddy is sporting his beloved BYU tie (which he will wear today to church!) What a great weekend!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Pre game meeting.
Friday night the football players put on a special meeting or fireside as we call them. It was a spiritual meeting. All of the team was there. We were able to get 4 tickets to it and brought Boston and his football buddy Ryan. It was held at the Carrolton stake center. They gave talks about being a disciple of Christ, they sang songs and bore testimony of Jesus Christ. It was so neat. The coach also spoke along with his wife. After the meeting Boston and Ryan were able to meet Max Hall, the quarter back and other players. It was really cool for these little boys. Here they are with two of the players and Daddy is sporting his beloved BYU tie (which he will wear today to church!) What a great weekend!