Let me give you a little background: Last year Boston did not win a single race at the Pinewood Derby. Daddy did not get the "Daddy who can build fast pinewood derby cars" gene. This was quite upsetting to 8 year old Boston, who tried hard to hide it, but I saw a few tears slip out when no one was watching. He did not expect to loose EVERY race. I could tell, he had a hard time with it, the little competitive guy. Well, after having that experience, he was prepared for it all. No matter what happened this year, it could not ever be WORSE then last year, so he could handle anything that came his way. In his first race, as all the cars came zooming down the track, everyone was looking to see who won and the Barron family was looking to see what happened to the Boston's car. The one that was stuck halfway down the track and the one that had only one wheel crossing the finish line with the cars. If you look closely, you can see the wheel bouncing down the track and Boston looking confused at the whole scene. Well, this WAS worse then last year!! This was more then Bossy could take. We scooped up the car and Daddy ran with him to the cockpit to make some repairs. He was able to put the wheel back on in a different place and participate in some races with SUCCESS! He didn't win, but he did get some second places. That was a victory to the Barron Family. It turned out to be a great night for all.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Now, for the inside SCOOP.
Let me give you a little background: Last year Boston did not win a single race at the Pinewood Derby. Daddy did not get the "Daddy who can build fast pinewood derby cars" gene. This was quite upsetting to 8 year old Boston, who tried hard to hide it, but I saw a few tears slip out when no one was watching. He did not expect to loose EVERY race. I could tell, he had a hard time with it, the little competitive guy. Well, after having that experience, he was prepared for it all. No matter what happened this year, it could not ever be WORSE then last year, so he could handle anything that came his way. In his first race, as all the cars came zooming down the track, everyone was looking to see who won and the Barron family was looking to see what happened to the Boston's car. The one that was stuck halfway down the track and the one that had only one wheel crossing the finish line with the cars. If you look closely, you can see the wheel bouncing down the track and Boston looking confused at the whole scene. Well, this WAS worse then last year!! This was more then Bossy could take. We scooped up the car and Daddy ran with him to the cockpit to make some repairs. He was able to put the wheel back on in a different place and participate in some races with SUCCESS! He didn't win, but he did get some second places. That was a victory to the Barron Family. It turned out to be a great night for all.