This space is dedicated to my beautiful husband and children. I love you so much and dedicate my life to you. Being yourwife and mother has been a rewarding challenge and it has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams! You mean everything to me.
This is a journal of the Barron family. That our children will remember all the good times together.
I sure love Boston
Boston is such a wonderful boy. I admire him for many reasons, but the one that stands out for me is how he has such a tender heart for his brother Briggs. Boston has always showed total kindness to Briggs and has always treated him as a friend. Boston is one of my heros.
Fishin With Daddy
Your Daddy is special. One of the many things that make him special is the way that he spends time with our children. He is always easy to persuade go on a walk, "push me on the swing", jump on the trampoline, play basketball, go see the chicks in the barn, or any other request from his kids. Love, I admire that about you and feel so blessed to have you as the Father of my children.
Colonel our donkey is just such a snugly little guy! =)
2005 in Yellowstone Park
My favorite times in my life have been taking trips with my husband and kids. It is a time for the children to play with eachother and for all of us the have fun together. It is magic.(Pregnant with Sarger.)
10th Anniversary Trip
I love to spend time with Tag alone. We have so much fun together. This trip to Hawaii was a blast, something that we will never forget!
My China Dolls
I made Quincey and Piper these white night gowns for Christmas. We had fun getting their pictures together in them.
The gold at the end of the rainbow-ooh baby! For some reason I have been blessed with an amazing husband. He is so kind to me and is always there to support my ideas and desires. He has been my councelor, my example, my very best friend and my love. I thank the Lord every day for him. I love you Love.
We did the impossible.
The year I turned 30 I wanted to do something that I never would have thought that I could do. Me, along with two of my sisters, completed a marathon. We found one that took place on a Saturday. We trained for about a year and when the big day arrived, we were so nervous. We did the entire race together. We walked a lot, but we finished a full marathon!
George Washington
Piper and Quincey sport their "George Washington " dews. What's summer with out those?
Coming Home
As a little boy Briggs had a love for baseball. It is a sweet memory about him and hope to see it again some day.
Frog Legs
Boston has always loved bugs and, well, any creature. I love how he enjoys learning and exploring the world around him. It's so cute.
Sweet Piper
I can hardly think of words that can describe my beautiful Piper. How lucky I am with my TWO girls. Piper is naturally very good. She takes care of people and is very sensitive to their needs. She is so sweet, when she is sad and crying, she has figured out the hugging makes her stop crying. With a hug, she stops instantly. I love Piper and consider her a best friend. I love you baby.
Boyish Instinct
Boys are born with the desire to throw rocks into the water. While fossil hunting, Sarger threw rocks into the water for an hour and he had a blast doing it. Piper on the other hand didn't throw one rock. Hmmmm?
Straight From Heaven
Sarger has me wrapped around his little finger. He has been such a joy in our family. I feel great to hear him call out, "MaaMaa!" and come bookin it down the hallway in search of me.