With Daddy gone on the Scout High Adventure this week and Quincey gone to Girls Camp, I have had some good time to hang out with Boston alone after the other kids are in bed. Last night I had the neatest conversation with Boston. It really showed me his true colors and I was so proud of what I found. Boston has been in basketball camp at Flower Mound High School this week with some of his friends. One of his very best friends is a boy named Stephan. Stephan lives in Utah and comes every summer to visit his Grandma. Boston and Stephan play together almost every day when he is here. They are best buddies. Stephan does not play basketball at home. His only experience is last summers basketball camp when he came here. He is a total beginner. At the end of basketball camp, they award a new basketball to the kids that are really good or that win games. It is a HUGE honor for the ones that get one. Last year Boston got a ball. As we talked about B-Ball camp, I asked him if he hoped that he would get another ball this year. He said, "I don't really care if I get a ball. I just wish SO bad that Stephan would get a ball." Then he started thinking up all the ways that we will try to help Stephan to win a ball. He was totally thinking of his friend before himself. It was a neat thing for a Mother to see. Boston is a great great boy. I love him and could not be more proud of him. Being good at sports means nothing to me. Being a good friend and good person means everything.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
With Daddy gone on the Scout High Adventure this week and Quincey gone to Girls Camp, I have had some good time to hang out with Boston alone after the other kids are in bed. Last night I had the neatest conversation with Boston. It really showed me his true colors and I was so proud of what I found. Boston has been in basketball camp at Flower Mound High School this week with some of his friends. One of his very best friends is a boy named Stephan. Stephan lives in Utah and comes every summer to visit his Grandma. Boston and Stephan play together almost every day when he is here. They are best buddies. Stephan does not play basketball at home. His only experience is last summers basketball camp when he came here. He is a total beginner. At the end of basketball camp, they award a new basketball to the kids that are really good or that win games. It is a HUGE honor for the ones that get one. Last year Boston got a ball. As we talked about B-Ball camp, I asked him if he hoped that he would get another ball this year. He said, "I don't really care if I get a ball. I just wish SO bad that Stephan would get a ball." Then he started thinking up all the ways that we will try to help Stephan to win a ball. He was totally thinking of his friend before himself. It was a neat thing for a Mother to see. Boston is a great great boy. I love him and could not be more proud of him. Being good at sports means nothing to me. Being a good friend and good person means everything.