Wednesday, October 27, 2010

15? It Can't Be

 Quincey's balloons given to her from her Young Women's leaders.
 Getting ready for the party.
 The girls are arriving!

 Lovin Colonel.
 Treats for the animals.
 All of the girls ADORED Sarger.  They crowded around him and took pictures with him.  It was quite amusing to watch.
 Snapping pictures with their cell phones and hanging on his every word.  Most of these girls are only children or the youngest in their family.  They are not used to little kids.
 More of Sarger being a star.
 The party was a great success!  Quincey has really sweet friends.
 My artistic cakes.  Chocolate, Red Velvet, Butter Pecan were the choices. MMMMM.......
 Making a wish.
 Cranking the girls.

 Colonel gave them all rides, it was quite amusing to watch.
Sarger and the giant marshmallows we roasted.